Update on the computer situation: just to make this all just a little more fun, re-installing (basically) my Windows operating system onto my computer didn't work. Why? Well, apparently, my hard drive got damaged, and now Dell's gonna have to send me a new one.
The good (well, better) part of this is that I don't have to pay for the new hard drive as long as I send them back my busted one (the shipping's paid for) and technical service is still covered under my warranty (seeing as how my computer really is a baby; just got it at the end of November), so I can get a technician to come and help me install the new drive and that's free of charge as well. How lovely.
Oh, and another good thing: I was able to access and transfer most of my files onto the other computer or CD-R...most, but not all. I thought I'd lost my entire folder of movie pictures (and that's a big deal, because I've been collecting those since forever...like, nearly 10 years), but thankfully I still have all of those pictures up until the end of last November because I had a duplicate folder of those that didn't get erased. Basically, any of those pictures I saved after I got the new computer are gone, but at least most of it is still there (goodbye
Phantom and lovely
Sin City photos...it was fun, but alas, it's over). Similarly, I've got back most of my academically-related internet favorites. Whee.
All in all, I've lost nothing to major [as far as I can tell] -- I lost one mp3 (Air, "La Femme D'Argent"...still have that one, HG?), my final assignment from last term's Theory & Policy class, and my folder of art and photographs done by Viggo Mortensen (remember my last header graphic?). So really, assuming that the new hard drive gets put in properly and everything works, it isn't too, too bad.
I do, however, still need to transfer back to my computer (once it's healthy again) all those files I transferred to the laptop. Via USB -- like, 20 files at a time. Sigh. The ones I have on CD-R will go much faster, but damnit, most of it's on the laptop.
Anyway, wow, this update turned out to be much longer than I thought it would. Bah. Will update about stuff that's more fun later, maybe. (Procrastinating at procrastination; look at that!)